Top 5 Detox Waters for Preparing Your Body for Weight Loss

When it comes to conversations around weight loss water is generally not a topic of conversation. And that’s because it can be mundane – drink more they say – and that’s about where the conversation stops.

Most people drink when they are thirsty and justify their water content based on this. To understand why this is one of the worst things you can do check out our article ‘why don’t I feel dehydrated when I know I’m not drinking enough water?’

The reality is most people are guilty of not getting enough water into their diet. And when I say most people – that includes us from time to time.

There are generally two reasons for this:

  1. Water doesn’t taste like anything
  2. The gland that tells you your thirsty masks thirst as you get more dehydrated

The crazy thing about all of this is that water is incredibly important for our health. Beyond the fact that our body is 60% water and that we can only survive a few days without it. Water helps remove fat cells from the body, assists in controlling cravings, and increases your metabolism.

Now – you’re probably wondering why some people say you shouldn’t drink water when you’re eating because it reduces your metabolism and getting confused. The reality is both statements can be true at the same time.

Being hydrated increases your metabolism, drinking water while eating can dilute the acids within your digestive tract reducing its ability to break food down.

Now when we struggled with drinking enough water we turned to different methods to ‘spice it up’ a bit to make water a bit more flavorsome and came up with a few different detox water recipes.

These waters are great for:

  1. Detoxing your body
  2. Getting you to drink more water
  3. Extra energy
  4. Helping you curb cravings
  5. Replacing sugary drinks

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Our Top 5 Detox Waters for Preparing Your Body for Weight Loss

Make sure you give these a go ‘as is’ and adjust ratios to suit your taste buds.

Pomegranates and Mint

Pomegranate is a fruit full of history. In some cultures, they hold it in such high regard that they still believe it was a pomegranate that Adam ate, not an apple.

In modern times it has been highlighted as a super food full of antioxidants. It is a winter fruit and therefore best suited to be used during this time.

Mint assists in relaxing your digestive tract, allowing it to absorb more nutrients into your bloodstream.


Half a cup of pomegranate seeds and 10 mint leaves

Oranges, Lemons, and Limes

Full of vitamin C this citrus-infused detox water boosts your immune system which is great for the cold and flu season. The best part is – all of these fruits come into season right as you need them. It’s almost like someone planned that!



2 slices of orange, 2 slices of lemon, and a slice of lime

Strawberries, Cucumbers, and Mint

Delectable soothing summer flavors are just what the doctor ordered when it starts to heat up. These ingredients are typically less expensive than other options, so it is a go-to option for us. This is possibly the detox water we fall back on most regularly and we always have a jug full of it in the fridge over summer!



5 slices of cucumber, 4 strawberries cut in half, and 4 mint leaves

Lemon, Thyme, Ginger, and Honey

This is by far our favorite winter detox recipe and we usually have this one hot on a cold winters night. This combination provides a great hit of antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and vitamin C. Not to mention it tastes delicious!




4 sprigs of thyme, 2 slices of lemon, 2 teaspoons of honey, and 4 slices of ginger

Blueberries, Raspberries, Rosemary, and Thyme

This is another summer flavor combo rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. The health benefits of blueberries are well documented and getting those benefits by drinking water is fantastic.




4 sprigs of thyme, 4 sprigs of rosemary, 8 raspberries, 8 blueberries

In Summary

We all need to be drinking more water and many of us replace it with sugary drinks because they taste better. For more information on sugar and some natural alternatives check out our article here.

With the body made up of 60% water and the gland that tells us we’re thirsty designed to suppress thirst based on how much water we drink – it’s no wonder we get used to drinking less water and think it’s normal. Check out our article ‘why don’t I feel dehydrated when I know I’m not drinking enough water?’



Adding flavor to water through natural fruits and vegetables is one way to help increase your daily water intake. Drinking the right amount of water helps remove fat cells from the body, assists in controlling cravings, and increases your metabolism.

We hope this article helps provide clarity on some of the reasons you should be drinking more water as well as our 5 favorite detox water recipes.

Detoxing is the first step in our 3-Week Diet program which has helped our clients lose an average of 10-21 pounds in 3 weeks and absolutely love the program! But even better than the weight loss is the feedback we get from people about how the program has taught them how to change their eating habits and find a diet that truly works for them in the long-term!

The concepts that we teach in this program will help you make the necessary changes in your diet and your lifestyle and how to keep them “beyond the diet.”

We’d absolutely love to have you join our community and get started with us today!

Check out how our clients are getting REAL results in just 3 weeks at the 3 Week Diet homepage:

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