Our Resources
We are constantly asked about the products and resources we use and recommend. So to make everyone’s life easy, we’ve curated what we believe to be the best products and supplements on the market to help you find solutions you can trust. We only recommend products that we actually use in our day to day lives!

Matcha Green Tea
This stuff is health on steroids. The health benefits are incredible, it has the power to increase your memory and concentration, boost energy, enhance digestion, lower cholesterol, provides 5 x as many antioxidants as other

Whey Protein Powder
I’m lactose intolerant which means I can’t have whey as its dairy. It prevented me from using protein powder for years until I had a conversation with a friend of mine. He recommended Dymatize whey protein powder which is lactose-free and I’ve been using it daily for about 7 years. It’s won multiple ‘best tasting protein powder’ awards over the years and is a staple for any weight loss plan!

Vitamin D
Vitamin D is one of the fastest growing supplements recommended by doctors. We’re spending more time out of the sun, and even when we are in the sun we’re covering our selves in sunscreen. While that’s great for protection from the sun, it also prevents you from getting valuable Vitamin D from the suns rays.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar helps lower blood pressure, lower blood sugar, lose weight, kill harmful bacteria and help you absorb more nutrients from your food. In addition to all of those great benefits, it also helps curb carb cravings. I drink it every morning with hot water, some ginger, and a teaspoon of honey.

Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is another good fat to have in your diet. It’s packed with MCT’s which are linked to reducing Alzheimer’s and have been shown to increase the number of calories burned by 5%. It can act as a natural hunger suppressant with people having coconut oil in their diet eating 256 fewer calories per day, on average.

Omega 3's
Diet trends come and go but one thing remains consistent. Omega 3 is one of the best fats for brain function, blood flow, reducing inflammation and establishing and maintaining hormonal balance. It’s great for people who don’t like fish or don’t have it as a staple in their diet. We take it daily – even if we are having fish!

BPA Free Water Bottle
BPA is an industrial chemical used to make plastics that are commonly found in food and water containers. There are links between BPA and mental and behavioral conditions. The FDA is continuing its review of BPA, including supporting ongoing research. Personally, we’re strong advocates of removing BPA and other similar chemicals from our body! There are links between the size of the water bottle we drink from and the amount of water we drink, so the bigger the bottle, the better it is for you!

Greens Powder
After I had my surgery I couldn’t eat vegetables for a while until my gut retrained itself to do so (it took years!). In the meantime, doctors were recommending that I take all sorts of crazy pills to try and get nutrients into my body. I’m an incredibly strong advocate for natural remedies so I turned to the closest thing to actual vegetables I could. Greens Powder was a lifesaver (literally) and I still have it twice a day now. The crazy thing is that it actually provides you with a far wider range of nutrients than most people get exposed to as well.

We’re big on getting the nutrients you need into your body. But once it’s in there, it needs to be absorbed! Probiotics promote good gut health which increases the transfer of nutrients into your body. In a recent study people who took probiotics regularly lost 50% more weight than those who didn’t. Neuroscientists are now finding links between gut health and mental health.

Magnesium plays a critical role in brain function and mood, and low levels are linked to an increased risk of depression. It’s one of the key factors in calcium absorption which is critical to reducing osteoporosis. Amongst other benefits, it relaxes your muscles and assists in sleep, which is one of the most underrated factors in weight loss!
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