About Us
what we do
We help women lose weight quickly, safely, and consistently. Get started with our FREE 3 Week Diet Weight Loss Guide. This guide breaks down the 3-week process we use that has helped thousands of women around the world lose up to 21 pounds in 3 weeks. We look at why you need to detox to lose weight rapidly, why exercising yourself to exhaustion is counterproductive to fast weight loss and much more!
We’ve Helped Thousands of Women Lose Weight, and Keep it Off!
The average woman trying to lose weight tries 4-5 different diets per year and less than 0.5% of those women actually achieve their long-term weight loss goals.
We believe this is because there are so many myths and ‘get skinny’ quick schemes that set unrealistic expectations and set you up to fail long term.
There are so many loopholes in all the different diet schemes that mean you can eat unhealthy foods because they are ‘vegan’ or ‘paleo’ that people convince themselves they are doing it right when really they are forming bad habits that set them up to fail.

We Believe in a Principled Approach
Vitality and Weight Loss is 90% Diet
Often when we have issues we turn to ointments and medicines to reprive us. But doing so means you are simply treating the symptom, not the cause of the issue! We believe in getting the right things into your body to address the root causes of issues such as weight gain, dry skin, head aches, etc.
Weight Loss is a Mental Game
Achieving a goal such as weight loss can be intimidating! Setting the right mentality is just as important as exercise. Managing the stress and anxiety prevents the body from producing excessive amounts of cortisol which can cause depression and
You Don't Have to Exercise to Exhaustion to Lose Weight
Spending hours at the gym or running miles every day isn’t necessary for weight loss. I mean, let’s be real for a second – athletes do this and they’re not getting any smaller! There are other forms of exercise that are less stressful on your body that can produce the same results.
Real Results
We’re not into BS, we’re into helping you get the results you deserve
In the world of instant gratification we live in today we see so many before and after photos that are advertised as being 30 days apart but are actually more like 6 months apart. Those types of tactics set you up to fail by giving you unrealistic expectations.
Average Weight Loss
Average Body Fat Loss
Maintained Weight Loss
Customer Satisfaction
My Story
Meet Nik, Professional Weight Loss Coach
Hi! My names Nik and I’m one of the founders here at Natural Vitality Lover. Growing up my mom and dad were separated, I never knew them to be together and I was raised by my mom and my sister. Something about this really made me a lot more sensitive to the pressures women have to go through in life, including

Our Approach
I believe in holistic health from the mind through to the body. Most people are not in tune with what their body is telling them and miss the cues to do something about it. By being mindful, getting in touch with your body, and setting realistic expectations we can achieve your dream body together. We’ll make sure your doing the right things at the right time in order to maintain
Unique Framework
We take a different approach to weight loss, looking at it from a far more holistic approach. our framework provides you with the tools and know-how to:
- Get in tune with your body
- Understand why your body does certain things and what they mean
- Provide a clear detox strategy to prepare your body to burn fat
- Identify key foods to get your hormones back in order
- Provide a clear exercise strategy that won’t have you dreading to do it
I had tried so many other weight loss plans and had no results that I thought I’d never
Download Your FREE 3 Week Diet Weight Loss Guide Today!
Get your FREE guide to losing weight and maintaining weight loss with the 3 Week Diet.