5 Best Exercises to Get Rid of Bra Bulge
Every woman gets sensitive about the bulge that peeks out the sides of a bra, through the sleeves of a tank top, or over the neckline of an elegant strapless dress.
If you want to feel more confident in any shoulder bearing outfit the following exercises have been designed and proven, to tighten up your chest, shoulders, and upper back.
We have designed these 5 exercises to be done at home. However, they are suitable to be done at the gym also.
To see results we recommend doing up to four sets of 15 reps of each exercise. Rest about 30-45 seconds between sets. If you can’t do that to start off with don’t worry. You can either drop the reps to 10 to start with, only do 3 sets, or increase the rest period to 90 seconds.
Just make sure you are pushing yourself and work your way up to it – we know you can do this!
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Upright Row
The upright row is a compound exercise that works your upper back and shoulders. The narrower you hold the dumbbells together, the more of you back you’ll work out.
Don’t worry – you won’t get boulder shoulders or massive traps! This is a common misconception. You have to eat and train in a very specific way to make either of those things happen!
How to do them
- Grab 3-7 pound weighted dumbbells with an overhand grip.
- Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and your knees slightly bent
- As you bring the dumbbells from your waist to your chin exhale. You want to be bending your elbows out to the side
- As you lower the dumbbells back to your waist, inhale
This counts as 1 rep, repeat 15 times.
Start Position

Finish Position

Push-ups are a fantastic compound chest exercise that you can do anywhere. If you’re only just starting, be sure you start on your knees rather than your toes and remember that the greater the distance between your knees and your hands the more body weight you will be pushing.
If you are struggling – and trust me, we have all been there – just alter the distance between your knees and hands so they are a little closer together. Remember that progress can simply be getting more of a gap between your hands and knees over time until you are on your feet!
At the top of the movement, when your arms are the straightest, be sure not to lock your elbows out as it removes the tension from your chest and can also cause damage to the joint.
How to do them
- Kneel on a mat
- Lean forward and put your palms on the mat with your wrists directly beneath your shoulders and your fingers facing forward
- Your feet (or knees) should be hip width and your body should form a straight line from your head to your feet. You don’t want your core sagging or your back curving
- Bend your elbows to lower your body toward the floor until your forehead nearly touches the floor
- Press your palms into the floor to extend your body back to the starting position
This counts as 1 rep, repeat 15 times.
Start Position

Finish Position

Overhead Pullovers
Overhead pullovers are an excellent exercise that works your chest and back simultaneously and is one of the few that does.
It came into being around 1910 and has been a staple exercise for many fitness models ever since.
Be sure to keep a slight bend in your elbow as you do this as it helps take some of the load off your joint.
How to do them
- Grab 3-7 pound weighted dumbbells with an overhand grip (one in each hand)
- Lie on your back on a mat
- With the dumbbells in your hands put your arms straight up above you so that they are perpendicular to the floor and your fingers are facing your feet
- Slowly lower your arms to the floor so you end up in the position shown below
- Engage your chest and back to lift the weights back to the starting position
This counts as 1 rep, repeat 15 times.
Start Position

Finish Position

Single-Arm Front Raises
The single arm raise is an isolated shoulder exercise that is great for tightening up your upper back. There are a few variations of this exercise that target slightly different parts of your shoulder. However, the fundamental principles don’t’ change.
Be sure to keep a slight bend in your elbow as you do this as it helps take some of the load off your joint.
How to do them
- Grab 3-7 pound weighted dumbbells with an overhand grip.
- Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and your knees slightly bent
- Keeping the dumbbells in front of you raise the dumbbell to about chin height and exhale as you do so
- Slowly lower the dumbbells back to your waist and inhale as you do so
This counts as 1 rep, repeat 15 times.
Start Position

Finish Position

Chest Flys
Flys are a fantastic isolation exercise for the outside of your chest. It might take a couple of goes to get the motion right for you as everyone is slightly different. Have a play with the angle of your hands, you might find that turning them slightly so that your little finger is closer to your body helps.
We don’t recommend turning your hands so that your thumbs are facing your body more as this puts additional strain on your shoulders. You may see some advanced people doing this – but please don’t try until you have a bit more confidence in your technique.
Be sure to keep a slight bend in your elbow as you do this as it helps take some of the load off your joint.
How to do them
- Grab 3-7 pound weighted dumbbells with an overhand grip
- Lie on your back on a mat
- With the dumbbells in your hands put your arms straight up above you so that they are perpendicular to the floor, and the dumbbells are parallel to your body
- From this position slowly lower the weights to the outside of your body, inhaling as you do
- Once your hands are nearly parallel with the floor, exhale as your return to the starting position
This counts as 1 rep, repeat 15 times.
Start Position

Finish Position

What You Need to Do These Exercises
While you don’t need a wide selection it is important you have a few different options available to you. You will be surprised at how quickly you gain strength!
This dumbbell set comes with 3, 5, and
We recommend using dumbbells over a bar as the dumbbells force your muscles to work independently. When you use a bar your stronger side actually works a little harder to supplement your weaker side, reducing the amount of work it has to do and further leading to imbalances.

Yoga/Exercise Mat
Exercising directly on the floor can be a bit
We have been sent lots of products to try for free and yoga mats are included in that. We have tried and tested so many at this point it’s hard to keep track. However, this is the one we actually use and when we get sent a new one this is the benchmark we test it against. So far we haven’t changed!

Natural Protein and Supplements
We’re not interested in packing your body full of man-made compounds and chemicals that have names so long you need a Ph.D. to say them.
We’re only interested in putting natural supplements that our body actually needs to get from our diet to survive and thrive.
Check out our recommended resources here
Check out our article on the top 5 plant based protein powders here

In Summary
Bra bulge can make you feel self-conscious about what you wear when you’re out and about. We’ve laid out some easy exercises to get you going on burning it away.
While these exercises are designed and target to beat bra bulge, no exercise plan would be complete without a complimentary meal plan to go with it. We recommend giving this 3-week diet system a go as its designed to lose weight quickly.
There are people out there who talk about fast weight loss
We hope this article helps provide clarity on what exercises you should be doing to beat bra bulge as well as some guidance on the correct technique when doing them.
Leave a comment below if you enjoyed this article or have any questions you’d like answered!
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