19 Incredibly Motivating Quotes to Kick Start Your 2019 Weight Loss Goals
“losing weight isn’t my thing.” How often do you say this to yourself or your friends? All too often we are too scared to step outside of our comfort zone, convincing ourselves that it’s okay to be chubby, or that we’ll start exercising tomorrow. This attitude ultimately leads to many of us being 30-50 pounds overweight, posing some pretty serious health risks.
To motivate
To help you on your way to achieving your weight loss goals in 2019 we’ve curated our top 19 weight loss quotes.
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19 Incredible Quotes to Motivate You to Achieve Your 2019 Weight Loss Goals
1. Only I Can Change My Life, No One Can Do It for Me
Honestly, the thing I love about this quote the most is how true it is. You can sit back and blame everyone else for your weight gain. But at the end of the day, you have to take control of your life. If you don’t take this seriously and sick to your weight loss plan, even the best trainers and dietitians can’t help you. Learn to say “no”. Remember that people want you to do what they want, not what’s best for you. The person who cares the most about your weight loss is you – make sure you continue to tell yourself it’s important to you.

2. Food, Like Your Money, Should Be Working for You
Food is fuel, and you get out what you put in. Getting the right foods into your body will help get and keep your hormones in check which will promote weight loss. If you’re going to spend money on achieving your weight loss goals, it better produce results.
3. It Has to be Hard So You’ll Never Ever Forget
The awesome thing about helping people lose weight is that when they get to the other side of it and you ask them if they’ll put weight back on they all say the same thing: “hell no, I’ve worked too hard to go back to that place.” It’s awesome. The effort they put into achieving their goals motivates them not to go backward again.
4. Working Out Is Never Convenient. But Neither Is Illness, Diabetes, and Obesity!
I think this is possibly one of the most powerful quotes around weight loss. Too often we find it inconvenient to diet or exercise and so we don’t do it. But the flip side is that if we don’t get into shape we have a far higher chance of getting some pretty debilitating illnesses. I’m more of a ‘short-term pain for long-term gain’ kind of person. So, I’d much rather take 30 minutes a day and be active, than lose a month (or more) of my life due to surgery. And think of it this way, if you get diabetes you HAVE to change your diet and then you have to deal with diabetes as well. If you change your lifestyle now, you just have to deal with changing your lifestyle.

5. The Struggle You Are in Today Is Developing the Strength You Need for Tomorrow
Changing habits can be difficult, especially when you’ve spent years developing the ones that have gotten you into the situation you’re in. The hardest part of change is starting. You have to force your way through the beginning of it, and then you’ll develop the habits to get to the finish line.
6. The Road May Be Bumpy but Stay Committed to The Process
We all have those days when we give into cravings, or we skip exercising. In life, things tend to work in cycles and weight loss isn’t any different. You might not be able to walk a mile, you may not know everything about changing your diet. But keep positive, keep learning, and stay committed.

7. Success Is the Sum of Small Efforts, Repeated Day In And Day Out
Jeff Bezos, the CEO of Amazon, said that in his experience overnight success normally takes about 10 years. Other business leaders go up to Jeff to congratulate him on a good quarter, or financial year. Jeff hears that as being thanked for something he did years ago. This is the same with weight loss – although it’s not a 10-year timeline! By the time people are commenting on your progress, they’ll be commenting on all of the small efforts you put in for the month before that.
8. If You Are Tired of Starting Over, Stop Giving Up
We’ve all been there. Tried this diet, tried that diet, lost in the ocean of different diet and exercise philosophies. And through this chop and change, we don’t accomplish anything because we haven’t truly committed to the goal. And then we try something different! Identify what’s making you chop and change, write it down and strategize solutions for them. For example, if you find yourself snacking, make sure you’re snacking on healthy foods.

9. It’s Not A Diet, It’s A Lifestyle Change
Personally, I don’t like the term ‘diet’. We are always on a ‘diet’, even when we are eating junk food. To achieve real long-term success, you need to move away from ‘being on a diet’ to ‘having a healthy lifestyle’. It’s the best way to lose weight, live fit, and stay young. This mentality makes it a smoother transition, enabling you to create healthy habits and transform your lifestyle.
10. Be Stronger Than Your Excuse
We humans are awesome at making excuses. I’m tired, I’m feeling down, I did so well with my diet this week. Let’s get with the program – you are WAY stronger than your excuses! Think about all you have achieved and the adversity you have overcome to date, and know you can do it again, and again, and again.

11. If It Doesn’t Challenge You It Doesn’t Change You
Do you remember when you were a kid and you were in school doing a test, and that test was the hardest thing you’d ever
12. Will Is A Skill
Your willpower is your most powerful asset when it comes to weight loss. It can be tough to endure pain and mental dissatisfaction, but that only lasts a few days. You need to train your brain for git, resolve, and determination. It’s a skill that you develop gradually. You will rely more heavily on external motivation at the start. But once you master this skill it will improve all aspects of your life, not just weight loss.
13. Doubt Kills More Dreams Than Failure Ever Will
Do you ever get into those headspaces where you have an idea and there is nothing that can stop it? And then you wake up the next day and doubt kicks in? We’re so critical of ourselves that you give up on your dreams too easily. Don’t let it happen when it comes to weight loss, you deserve to look in the mirror and be happy with what you see. Believe me, you can achieve your weight loss goals – we’ve helped thousands of women do it. So what if you’ve failed in the past? Success it the ability to go from failure to failure without any loss of enthusiasm.

14. Nothing Tastes as Good as Being Thin Feels
I can attest to this. A couple of years ago I helped a friend of mine lose 50 pounds. They got into good shape and decided that they wanted to go from obese to the other extreme of being ripped. They came to me again when they were struggling to get really lean and asked me to compete in a bodybuilding competition with them and, being a good friend, I decided to do it. Honestly, it was incredible being that lean. Believe me, you won’t regret achieving your weight loss goals.
15. A Goal Without A Plan Is Just A Wish
In the 21st century, there is so much information out there about everything. And weight loss is no different. You can spend years swimming around in the pool of knowledge trying different things. And that’s where most people get stuck. They are so busy swimming around in the pool of knowledge that they haven’t created a plan of attack. Luckily, we can help you there, we’ll tell you a bit more about that after quote 19.

16. Eliminate the Mindset of Can’t – Because You Can Do Anything
Henry Ford, founder of the Ford motor group once said: “whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re probably right.” Your mind controls everything and with it your ability to lose weight. The people that achieve long-term weight loss have a can attitude about it. That doesn’t mean they don’t doubt themselves, or question if they can do it. But they wake up most every day and tell themselves: “I can do this” and then they go out and do it!
17. Strive for Progress, Not Perfection
Don’t lose sight of the B.H.A.G, the Big Hairy Audacious Goal. But understand that you need to set smaller milestones along the way to celebrate the journey. Progress is never a liner thing, some weeks you’ll lose more than others and sometimes you’ll gain weight. But stick with it, measure progress in different ways in your journey.
18. Weight Loss Doesn’t Begin in the Gym with a Dumbbell; It Starts in Your Head with a Decision
This quote continues with the ‘mind over matter’ theme. Trust me, the decision to lose weight will be one of the biggest and most important decisions of your life. You can go to a gym and exercise, you can ‘eat healthily’ but if you don’t commit to hitting this thing out of the park, you won’t. and that starts with the decision.
19. If It Was About Knowledge, We Would All Be Skinny and Rich. It’s Not About What You Know but What You Do!
I was watching an interview with Kai Greene (he’s one of the top bodybuilders in the world today) one day and he said something that resonated with me: “there are people out there in the crowd who know far more about diet and nutrition than I do, they could point out everything that’s wrong with the way I eat and the way I train. But at the end of the day, I’m the one sitting up here. There has to be something said about just doing the damn thing!” Essentially what Kai was saying was that action is more powerful than knowledge.

So, what we have done is taken years of weight loss knowledge and created a plan that enables you to focus on taking action without having to swim in the ocean of knowledge! The 3-week diet does just that. It will kick-start your weight loss, helping you shed 10-21 pounds in just 21 days! And better yet – it will give you the knowledge while you’re taking action.
Click here to get started with YOUR 3-Week Fat Loss journey today!
We hope this article helps provides you with the motivation you need to smash your weight loss goals in 2019!
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